
What Are Trace Minerals and Why We Need Them

3 minute read


Dr. Starkey: Hi, this is Dr. Starkey.

This week I wanted to answer a couple of frequently asked questions, and they are: What are trace minerals, and why should I be taking them?

I want to address these questions with some information first. Back in 1912, there was a Nobel peace prize winner in medicine by the name of Alexis Carrel. He stated that soil is the basis of all human life and our only hope for a healthy world. All of life will either be healthy or unhealthy according to the fertility of this soil.

Now think about that statement for a moment. That was made 109 years ago. Think about what’s taken place—the changes within our society over the last 109 years. We’ve industrialized, we commercialize, we pasteurize, we fertilize, we sanitize, we basically process everything we eat and drink today in our society. 

And yet, back in 1936 there was a doctor by the name of Dr. Charles Northern, who presented his information, and it’s now known as the Senate Document 264, also known as the Miracle Man. I would highly recommend this read. It’s a very short piece, about 11 pages, but I’d go to an unabridged version to get away from companies trying to market their product, but just read the information. I’m going to highlight a couple of statements from it.

He estimated back in 1936 that 99% of the American population were deficient in these minerals due to agricultural farming technique. He went onto state that no matter how delicate that deficiency is in our bodies, it will sicken, suffer, and shorten our lives. And that without these trace minerals, those vitamins and macro minerals are basically useless to us.

Now, if that information is true and we were that deficient 85years ago, where are we today as a society? If we put this into perspective, think about this, these minerals are no longer available in our soil, they’re not in our food. If they’re not in our food they’re not in our body. If they’re not in our body, we call that deficiency. If we don’t resolve that deficiency that’s called dis-function or dis-ease to our health.

And yet, the way that we were intended to feed ourselves if you really stop to put this in perspective it looks like by the appearance of our teeth, we were designed to pick it, pluck it, dig it, fish it, and if you were extremely fortunate, kill it and drink lots of water.  And yet today, if you think about how we’re feeding ourselves, we either cook it, or overcook it, nuke it, or eat it out of a can, a box, a pick-up window, a concession stand, or vending machine. And we drink no water because there’s just way too many options. 

You see how drastically we’ve changed the way we eat today. And even what’s available. You know that concept: we are what we eat? It’s not what we’re eating, it’s what’s available in the first place and what we’re absorbing. We should be saying: we are what we absorb.

And yet at the same time, if we’re not putting the emphasis back into our health, most of us today are taking a multivitamin and we just assume that anything that’s in that multivitamin is all that we need but I assure you that if you look at these multivitamins today, sure, we have the macro minerals, which are minerals that the body needs in 100 milligrams or more in the body, and yet these trace minerals that we’ve been discussing are needed in less than 0.2 milligrams up to 15 milligrams and that’s why we call them microminerals.

And yet, if these microminerals are not being addressed does it really matter what we decorate our house of health with? Or what we construct our house of health with? If our foundations are crumbling to begin with.

I think that with these trace minerals and the emphasis that we should be placing on them. You know that concept of an apple a day kept the doctor away? It’s not what the apple tastes like, it’s what the apple offers. 

Often times I have to address that. That’s another huge question that I get, and that is the taste of these minerals. We don’t add any flavorings to our base product, there’s no additives, no preservatives, no sweeteners. In other words, if you take them straight, they are extremely concentrated and have a very distasteful taste to them.

And yet if you dilute it properly, and space it throughout the day, you should never taste these minerals. I like to recommend these minerals to be taken throughout the day.  Think about this for a minute: we lose about 2 ½ to 3 cups of body fluid a day just by living and breathing. Through respiration, urination, perspiration, and defecation and of course that time of the month for women menstruating.

If we’re not putting these minerals back in on a consistent daily basis, if our output is greater than our input (and remember, our body cannot synthesize these minerals, they have to be replaced daily). If our output is greater than our input, your body has to rob the cells, the tissues, the organs, and eventually the bone just to maintain the balance of the blood which we call homeostasis. 

In answer to your question as to why we should we be taking them daily, if we don’t, our bodies will find ways to rob out own systems in order to accommodate to keep our blood perfect.

Thanks for listening in.  If you have any topics you want covered, let us know on our Instagram page @tracemineralsresearch. We’ll see you back here next week on Trace Your Day.

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