
All About Gummies

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Dr. Starkey: Hi, this is Dr. Starkey. Welcome to Trace Your Day.

I’ve been asked a couple of questions as of late on a delivery system that has become very popular. I had to do a little bit of research and I had no idea that gummies have been around since the late 1800’s.In fact, many of us know them as gumdrops. Yet at the same time in the 1920’s we were introduced to gummy bears and again I didn’t know that gummy bears were designed after the dancing street bears and for those that stopped and watched I guess it made people joyful and happy. And yet the manufacture of course designed it such that if you squeezed them, it looked like they were dancing. With the bright colors and them being fun it became quite popular.

Then in the late 1960’s we were introduced to the first chewable children’s multivitamin. And they came in the shape of familiar cartoon characters in that day. That led to creative thinking from supplement companies, and we then were introduced to the first gummy vitamin which was a vitamin C gummy. Then they started to experiment in the 90’s and by 2000 the first multivitamin gummy came out for children and did quite well.

About 10 years later the first multivitamin gummy came out for adults and it gained popularity from there. In fact, this is the number one adult method of supplementation now from consumers 35 and younger, is chewables and gummies. That leads me to the questions that have been asked and we follow our customers recommendations.

When we start hearing from our consumer base and they start giving us ideas or questioning as to why we don’t have it, we start doing our homework and we start looking into it. In fact, that’s what lead to our first gummy in this gummy arena of nutrition and that came out in the summer of 2018 and that was our ConcenTrace gummy.

In fact, this particular gummy honesty changed my career. For the first time in my career, I could offer a ConcenTrace source that tasted good. And that’s what the ConcenTrace gummy did. In Fact, if you ask any gummy consumer why they take gummies they’ll tell you that it’s fun or that they like the taste or they like having a little snack that’s nutritious during the day. Whatever that might be, I would rather have you eat an apple than to supplement for an apple. I want to get that clear, but I also understand that we have family members, loved ones, friends that are interested in nutrition but aren’t willing to take care of themselves and to me one of the things that the gummies do for these types of individuals is it gives them an option – a delivery option that is available to them that again tastes good.

The number one complaint with ConcenTrace has always been the taste of the liquid and now here you have a gummy that in a three-gummy serving you get 300 milligrams of ConcenTrace and it’s in a natural pineapple flavor and it really does taste good. Again, you’ve heard me say this, with so many Americans not eating a raw fruit or vegetable in a day, I would rather have them take a bite of a fruit or vegetable than not to take a bite at all, and to me this is what gummies offer to our consumers. It’s a delivery system that makes it easy for the consumer.

In the spring of 2019, we introduced 2 gummies that were the magnesium gummies. Again, I have told you before I am a watermelon fan, I love the taste of watermelon, and our magnesium watermelon gummy is an award-winning gummy and I have to tell you up front, be very careful, these are not candy, these are a supplement. We recommend 1-4 gummies, and 1 gummy is 84 milligrams of magnesium. So, if you take the 4 gummies you’ll get 336 milligrams in that dosage. And yet if you exceed that, of course you’re going to run into a laxative response.

In this case we have two flavors, watermelon, and again what a wonderful time to bring a watermelon in to this season, I love bringing summer to the winter, so the watermelon is my choice.  Now for those who like citrus we have a tangerine flavor that also tastes very good. I know it’s not all about the taste but for those that reach for gummies it truly is about the taste.

In May 2020 we introduced an apple cider vinegar gummy. This is a strawberry melon flavor, and one gummy is 500 milligrams. We recommend 1-3gummies per day. For anybody who has tried apple cider vinegar, I have members of my own family that the smell makes their jaw tighten up. They don’t like the smell of it, they don’t like the taste of it, but with this gummy I can give them at least some nutritional offering from the apple cider vinegar that they wouldn’t get any other way. For those that know the benefits of apple cider vinegar here’s a gummy that is also an award-winning gummy.

In the fall of 2020, we introduced one of my favorite gummies and that’s the zinc gummy. This is an elderberry gummy flavor. 2gummies will give you 30mg of zinc. Oftentimes with zinc especially if you are taking the liquids, they can hit the system so fast that it can make you feel nauseous.  I don’t find this with this particular product. It’s made recommending zinc much easier. Here is a wonderful delivery system, and that’s one thing that I love about Trace, by the way. We offer liquids and tablets and powders, capsules, chewables, and now of course gummies in zinc. This is just an option for those in your family who you know need that support but aren’t willing to take it any other way.

In November of 2021 we introduced an ashwagandha gummy. For anyone who has ever taken this herb it very strong. It has a very strong smell, it has a very strong taste, and yet they did a wonderful job. This is a passionfruit orange flavor and in 2 gummies you get 300mg of ashwagandha. For those individuals that find themselves extremely stressed about life emotionally, mentally, or physically, here is a wonderful way to support yourself. Especially those who are looking to support those finicky people, whether it be teenagers or adults or our aging parents, this is a great product for them.

Just to let you know the last one has not been released to the market yet, but it will be in March. I’m excited about this gummy. It has a lot of potential I think because for those who don’t like to take chlorophyll, we know the health benefits of it but there’s a lot of individuals who don’t like the coloration of it even when they put it into water. Of course, all the benefits of it put into a gummy.  It’s a two-gummy serving that will offer 50mg of chlorophyll. These are just some of the options that Trace offers and remember it’s the consumer that has been asking and the results have been pretty amazing.

I love talking to all of our customer about what they’re taking, but I find it extremely interesting that those who are taking gummies are extremely consistent with our products and to me that’s the most important aspect of our health is being consistent with it. If there’s nothing else that this product offers, there’s consistency for those that are taking it. I hope this information helps. If you have any questions, please drop us a line. We hope you have a wonderful week. Stay healthy.

Thanks for listening in. If you have any topics you want covered let us know on our Instagram page @tracemineralsresearch. We’ll see you back here next week on Trace Your Day.

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