
Concentrace® Featured in "Eat This, Not That!"

We are excited to share that Trace's Concentrace® Mineral Drops have been featured in Eat This, Not That! in the article "10 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy All Day Long."

Here’s what they had to say about us:

"Taking constant trips to the bathroom after consuming water usually means you're absorbing H2O and it's just going right through your system. This means you're likely dehydrated as your cells aren't taking in and utilizing water for chemical reactions in the cell, including creating energy," explain The Nutrition Twins.

If this sounds like you, you can improve the absorption of water into your cells by adding electrolytes to your drinks, which in turn will boost energy and clarity.

"We like Trace Minerals ConcenTrace Drops since they contain essential key minerals, including a good balance of electrolytes directly from the Utah Sea, and they have no additives and are gluten and preservative-free," suggest The Nutrition Twins.

Read the full article here.

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