
Key Dehydration Signs You Need To Watch Out For

3 minute read

Our body is 70% water, and we need to stay hydrated to keep our body functioning at optimal performance. Dehydration takes place when we lose more fluid than we take in. It also happens when we don’t drink enough water. When our body is dehydrated, it can affect anything from our well-being to our ability to concentrate. Here are key dehydration signs you need to watch out for in your daily life.

Increased Thirst

Increased thirst is your brain’s notification to your body that you are not drinking enough water. It means you need to drink more fluids daily. You might be more thirsty than usual if you exercise a lot, are unwell, drink lots of caffeine or eat salty food. This is because even if you drink a normal amount of water each day, exercise or illness causes excess sweating, while caffeine and salty food pull moisture from your cells and dehydrate you. If you drink lots of water but still feel thirsty, book an appointment with your doctor to rule out diabetes or other conditions.


When you don’t consume enough water, the volume of it in your blood goes down. This lowers the overall volume of your blood, leading to low blood pressure and reducing the amount of blood that reaches your brain. If you are feeling dizzy, you could try the Hydration I.V. water pack to help replenish your electrolytes and hydrate faster. If you are severely dehydrated, you may also experience vertigo, the feeling that the room around you is spinning or moving.


Dehydration causes water to leave the tissues in the body, shrinking the organs in the body, including your brain. When your brain shrinks away from your skull, it puts pressure on the surrounding nerves and leads to pain. This is experienced in the form of a headache. Drinking your water replenishes your brain and causes it to expand again, reducing the stress on your nerves and eliminating the headache.


Your brain requires water to perform its normal functions. If you are dehydrated, some of your brain’s functions slow down and even stop altogether. You may feel more irritable simply because your brain is functioning less efficiently than it usually does. Anxiety, anger, and insecurities may all be traced back to dehydration. Drink water regularly to rule out dehydration as a cause of mood fluctuations. 

Morning Brain Fog

As we sleep, our body uses the water in our body to complete some of its daily functions. This naturally depletes the amount of water we have in our bodies. Our body also naturally eliminates water through evaporation when you breathe or even snore at night. If you are dehydrated the day before, you will likely feel parched or thirsty when you wake up. Sleeping in a cool room which is not dry should help you to maintain your water levels at night.

Dry Mouth

Your body uses water in saliva production. Saliva is how you keep your mouth moist; it helps digestion and the breakdown of food. Without saliva, you will wake up with a dry mouth. If you are constantly dehydrated, you may also experience bad breath. This is because saliva helps fight infection in your mouth. Without it, bacteria can thrive in your mouth, and their waste processes can produce bad breath smells.

Darker Or Increased Urine Output

Dark urine is a sign of reduced water in the body. Light yellow urine is a sign of healthy urine output. Urochrome is the pigment produced when your body breaks down old red blood cells in the body. The presence of water dilutes the pigment and creates a lighter yellow. Dark urine may also indicate other conditions, so you should always consult your doctor if you feel you are drinking enough water but your urine is dark.

Cracked Lips

Your lips might crack or be dry due to a vitamin deficiency. However, it may also be a sign that you’re dehydrated. Your lips are one of the most sensitive parts of your body because they don’t secrete natural oils. They can become dry and crack if you do not naturally lubricate them with water. Cracked lips can hurt or risk becoming infected, so ensure you hydrate regularly to avoid damaging them.

Feeling Distracted

When your brain doesn’t have enough water, it can slow down its normal functioning. Even a tiny amount of dehydration can cause your brain to work less efficiently. This can impact your ability to concentrate on specific tasks. You might feel distracted or find it difficult to concentrate. This is because your focus depends on your brain needing water to complete tasks properly.

Sugar Cravings

Not just your brain slows down due to lack of water. Your body may also be less effective in releasing sugar from your body. This can lead you to crave certain foods like sugar. Drinking water can help regulate food cravings by giving the body the energy it needs for normal functioning. It will reduce the body’s need to replenish its sugar stores and help the body restore this naturally.

Muscle Cramps

Dehydration decreases blood volume and impacts the muscles’ ability to expand and contract. This can cause muscles to cramp when stretching because water contains electrolytes, which help with muscle movement. With lower electrolytes in the blood, it is harder for the muscles to move as they usually would. Electrolytes help stimulate nerve and muscle function. 


The body provides many signs that you are dehydrated. This can be as simple as feeling thirsty, through to more unexpected symptoms like distraction or sugar cravings. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can help your body maintain its natural functions. Water is vital for keeping the body running efficiently, from supplying blood to the muscles to assisting the body in releasing sugar.

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