Trace Your Day Blog

Inspiration, recipes, and advice for a healthier YOU.

Essential Minerals for Dogs: Why your Furry Friend Thrives on these Nutrients - Trace Minerals

Essential Minerals for Dogs: Why your Furry Friend Thrives on these Nutrients

By Chris D. Meletis, N.D. We want the best for our pet dogs, just as we would for any other member of our family. In the same way we may take a multi-mineral supplement to prevent nutrient deficien...

Back to School Health Tips: Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep - Trace Minerals

Back to School Health Tips: Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep

It's that time of year again—backpacks, school buses, and the smell of freshly sharpened pencils filling the air. As our little ones head back to school, their health remains our top priority. We a...

How Does Dehydration Affect Athletic Performance? - Trace Minerals

How Does Dehydration Affect Athletic Performance?

Chris D. Meletis, N.D.  Drinking enough liquids is critical for anyone, but never more so than with athletes, whether you're a weekend warrior, play professional sports, or participate in high scho...

7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

We all know that staying healthy is a priority, especially in today’s fast-paced world. One of the keys to good health is having a robust immune system. But, before we delve into the ways to boost ...

Vitamin K2 and D3 Health Benefits: What the Science Says

By Chris D. Meletis, N.D. Vitamin D3 plus vitamin K2 is the perfect pairing. For bone and heart health, the benefits of vitamin D are magnified if you take it with vitamin K2. Vitamin D3 helps your...

Living with Psoriasis: Coping and Support - Trace Minerals

Living with Psoriasis: Coping and Support

You're probably here because you or someone you love has been affected by psoriasis. Let's start by acknowledging that psoriasis is indeed a tricky thing, often showing up uninvited and trying to s...

Waking Up with Stiffness? Understand the Causes and Solutions - Trace Minerals

Waking Up with Stiffness? Understand the Causes and Solutions

Imagine waking up in the morning, eager to start your day, only to be met with a frustrating sensation of stiffness and rigidity in your body. The simple task of getting out of bed becomes a strugg...

Why Supporting Your Joints Is So Important

Your joints are arguably the most underappreciated aspect of your body. Without joints, we’d be unable to move and do normal things. Nevertheless, people don’t tend to focus on things like joint he...

How Do You Know When You're Vitamin D Deficient?

Vitamin D helps maintain our body’s levels of calcium and phosphate. Calcium is responsible for healthy bones and teeth, muscle and nerve functions, blood clotting and heart health, while phosphate...